Healing Tools.

Transference Healing does not diagnose a condition by analysing the symptoms of disease. It looks deep within the etheric patterning of the body and reads it with psychic perception. By tapping into these inner dimensions of your body and consciousness, I will gain insight into your healing and ascension journey.

Colour and sound waves.

Crystal and vibrational Lightbody Kit essences.

The elements (earth, air, fire, water, ether).

Electromagnetic and magnetic frequencies.

Alchemy, alchemy symbols and planetary energies.

Templates, Masters and Rays.

Crystal frequencies, platonic solids, skulls and wands.

Shamanic healing.

Stellar, cosmic and interdimensional frequencies.

Gridding procedures.

Lemurian and Atlantean technologies.

Lightbody and Merkaba technology.

Mystery School teachings.

Transference Healing does not diagnose a condition by analysing the symptoms of disease. It looks deep within the etheric patterning of the body and reads it with psychic perception. By tapping into these inner dimensions of your body and consciousness, I will gain insight into your healing and ascension journey. I am then able to channel the universal resources necessary to facilitate a divinely-orchestrated healing – one that is specific to your own enlightenment process.
Without touching your body, I will channel natural healing frequencies into your body while intuitively identifying the underlying cause/s of any illness or imbalances, applying specific Transference Healing procedures relevant to your needs. An intuitive ‘reading’ will be given to you at the end of each session, supported by divination tools within the procedures.
As Transference Healing is a frequency-healing modality, there is no need for physical contact during the session. As such, absentee of ‘distant’ healing sessions are just as effective.

Transference Healing® supports healing, personal growth and spiritual empowerment, and is suitable for all ages, conditions and illnesses.

A full Transference Healing session, utilising both the Fundamental (alchemical) and Advanced (lightbody) procedures goes for a minimum of one hour to a maximum of two. It is suitable for the support of all ages, conditions, illnesses or needs regarding healing, personal growth and spiritual empowerment. At this time of great change, it is recommended that everyone receive a Transference Healing session every six weeks until they are mastering more in all aspects of life, from health to the dynamics of their personal reality. For those who are struggling with their health, wellbeing or ascension process, weekly or fortnightly healings are recommended until balance is achieved, after which you can return to healings every six weeks, or as needed.

Face-to-face and absentee healings are available.